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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Friday, January 12, 2007

I've been Tagged-ededed

(A is for age): 22 years...dang...

(B is for beer/booze of choice): I hate alcohol with a passion.

(C is for career): https://ace.nd.edu

(D is for favorite drink): Diet Black-Cherry Vanilla Coke!!!!! Also, Very Vanilla soy milk from the Silk brand.

(E is for Essential item I use everyday): Laptop and my 1-volume Breviary.

(F is for Favorite song at the moment): Hrmm...none, but the song that the title of my blog is from is "I am..." by Ayumi Hamasaki.

(G is for favorite game): MMORPGs

(H is for Home town): Chicago-ish...

(I is for instruments I play): French Horn. So shoot me.

(J is for favorite juice): I have apple juice in my room. Besides that, I'm not much of a juice girl; orange juice is like liquid death when you have acid reflux.

(K is for kids): It's on the to-do list....need to work on that whole marriage thing first.

(L is for last kiss): None.

(M is for marriage): See K.

(N is for full name): Janet something or other.

(O is for overnight hospital stays): Unless my birth counts, none.

(P is for phobias): Heights and the dark.


(R is for biggest regret): Going to AQ, or at least not transferring after the whole mess with the school of ed.

(S is for sports): Hate 'em.

(T is for time I wake up): As late as I can get away with.

(U is for color underwear): MYOB.

(V is for vegetable I love): Depends on the mood.

(W is for worst habit): Procrastination and narcoleptic-ness.

(X is for X-rays I have had): Teeth, sinus, tail bone, other places.....

(Y is for yummy food I make): Anything I can microwave...

(Z is for zodiac sign):

And I refuse to dignify that last question with an answer.

I'll be cross-posting this on my LJ and tag someone there.

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