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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Note to Self

Update over Christmas break!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Robert LaHue

Robert LaHue

I find this amusing and good at the same time.

Monday, October 25, 2004

This is why people call Aquinas College "liberal":

OK, campus safety keeps confiscating our Bush-Cheney signs from the lawn because "the college doesn't want to appear partisan," but in the bookstore, there are at least 2 anti-Bush books, and several more that don't even belong in a Catholic college. So we can't be partisan, but the bookstore can. I want to do an opinion article on this for our paper, The Saint. Think I can make 500-750 words out of this? It ticks me off so much. Dang hypocrites.

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Friday, October 22, 2004

Some update or something....

The link is to an entry in my LJ I think is worth reading.

Well, filled out my absentee ballot today. Happy me. Since I stayed up over Fall break, this means my ballot will get out in the mail a whole 2 postal days earlier than otherwise. I undervoted big time; there were a lot of offices where I didn't know what the person even did or I didn't like any of the candidates or there was only one person running but I didn't like them. Yes, readers, I am a Republican, and so yes, I did vote for President George W. Bush. As an Illinois voter, I also voted for Alan Keyes for Senate. Does he have a snowball's chance in Hades? Not even that good, but at least I'm clear with my conscience. Alan Keyes is a candidate I would feel comfortable voting for for almost any office. (Yes, I know he ran for President a while back; I wasn't old enough to vote yet. This is the first Presidential election year I've been of age.)

Let's see...I still need a life. I'm almost suprised at myself for how well I'm getting by on my own over this break. I guess I've been reverting back to my old habits when I lived in Hruby Hall. The only difference is that now I have a full kitchen, (well, except for a dishwasher,) so the cusine is a little better.

Yeah, genius that I am, I found the Kleenex and Sudafed I thought I'd lost the other day. They were in the kitchen on that green circle seat thingy the whole time. Me in a word = dense (or pyro or schitzo, depending on who you ask.)

Sites I highly recommend:

(<$BlogItemCommentCount$>) comments

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Whee...I have GMail. Stores more than my AQ address, and easier to check than my AOL addy. IM me if you want the addy. If you don't know my IM, odds are I wouldn't give it to you anyway.

Um.....Mom's leaving for Vegas with Aunt Gina tomarrow evening. I leave for Veritas Campout (http://www.catholic-church.org/veritas) this Friday. Still need to pack. I get back Monday morning/afternoon, and have until Saturday to pack to return to college. I'm not as nervous going to AQ this time as I was last summer, obviously, but I'm starting to worry that that will translate into sloppy packing, and I don't come back to Illinois again until October. Oye....

I'm really excited about this fall semester. I love my schedule. My first class of the semester will be Theology: Contemporary Christian Morality. Last class of the week: World History I. I'm usually bored stiff by the pre-history-1500 AD that is a first semester world history class, but I need it for my major, because I'm getting teacher certification. If I was just a regular history major, I wouldn't need to take world history; that part of my requirements would have been satisfied by AP US History, but now I have to take the World History class, and I get to take fewer electives than a regular history major. Next semester, I'm taking World History II and the class on the Holocaust. I was looking at AQ's course catelogue, and I want to take the History of Germany class for part of my European requirement. I'm also taking a 400-level Education class, but it's in an area I've always been really strong in: Language Arts. I got 5's, the highest score possible, on both of my English AP exams, which allowed me to get out of I & E, thank heavens. From what I gathered from the other AQ students, it sounds like the class would have been a massive waste of time anyway, and I got Hummanities out of the way instead, which means I have 3 hours open spring semester that the other second-year students won't have, and that can't hurt. AQ knows I can write, and I haven't had trouble with any of the writing, except that research paper for Humanities, but I still got a B on that, and I didn't think that was half-bad, considering it was the first research paper I had ever written. (We never did that stuff in high school because, in a school with 3,700+ students, the teachers just do not have the time to grade that kind of thing.)

Blah blah blah....wish I actually had something worth while to say. No one's on-line; they're either away or just not talking to me, even if I IM them. Boo.....I wish we hadn't gotten home from Janet's house so late, (yes, I am named after this Janet,) in Elgin, or I might have caught a few people on. Dang.

Tomarrow is my last Mass at St. George. I don't plan on ever going to St. Julie's again, unless someone dies or something. I regret putting up with the trash that goes on there for so long. Anyway, next Sunday, besides being the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, I will be at Veritas Campout, and we're going to St. Margret's. I would think Veritas would have made sure the parish is good, but does anyone know anything about it otherwise? IE, Mass times, so I know what the crud is going on.

I miss Megan. She's not due back from WA until Wednesday, so that really just leaves us my birthday, but she needs to pack and I have a dental appointment. Dangit.

Ehh...need to sleep.

Guten nacht!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

The haxor handle of JesusFreak84 is "Abs0lut3 Maniac".

What's yours? Enter your name: INPUT
The haxor handle of JesusFreak84 is "Abs0lut3 Maniac".

What's yours? Enter your name:

I am, of course, none other than blank verse.
I don't know where I'm going, yes, quite right;
And when I get there (if I ever do)
I might not recognise it. So? Your point?
Why should I have a destination set?
I'm relatively happy as I am,
And wouldn't want to be forever aimed
Towards some future path or special goal.
It's not to do with laziness, as such.
It's just that one the whole I'd rather not
Be bothered - so I drift contentedly;
An underrated way of life, I find.
What Poetry Form Are You?

I am free verse,
and know the rules,
and use them -
when they suit me,
which admittedly
tends not to be the case.
tradition, laws;
very much not
my sort
of thing,
I fear.
Perhaps, on occasion,
I go too far in the opposite direction,
and shun the accepted merely because it's accepted,
accepting its opposite merely because it isn't;
but since it's clearly
better that than
being normal;
What Poetry Form Are You?

If they told you I'm mad, then they lied.
I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive.
I'm the triolet, bursting with pride;
If they told you I'm mad, then they lied.
No, it isn't obsessive. Now hide
All the spoons or I might get convulsive.
If they told you I'm mad then they lied.
I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive.
What Poetry Form Are You?

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

KT's reading over my final exam essay for Intro. to Sociology. When I'm done messing with it, I'm going to e-mail it in. That'll be the class I get the most satisfaction out of being done. I can't wait to sell the books back; they're new, so I'm hoping to get a little bit more for them.
I really should get back to updating this thing. I've started so many blogs, but because all my friends are on Live Journal, that's what I've been useing. This one's not bad, though. Maybe I'll start updating again once finals are over. Next week, then.