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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Beleated cross-post from LJ

First, my LJ was accepted into the Webright of Warm and Fuzzy Traditionalists! ^_^ Much w00tness!

Second, here's a partial clip from a recent LJ entry, since I know of a few people who read this who might be interested.

So the elder of my 2 younger sisters saw my mantilla during midnight Mass, and her reaction....geeze...she reacted about as I would if I saw her urinating on the Tabernacle. (Sorry to be crass, but that's pretty accurate.) The youngest sister just acted the same way she acts about everything I do, from wearing a scapular to kneeling when the Missal actually says to. Standard 13-year-old attitude of, "Oh my gosh, you are so totally and completely outdated."

Yeah, the mantilla went over about as well with my sisters as it would at the Marywood convent. -_-

Anyway, God bless and take care!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Put up or shut up, and other ramblings.

So between the Letter to the Editor in the most recent edition of my campus paper and a question my friend, "Sister" Allie, asked of a finalist for our college president, various LJs of my friends and I are hopping with discussions as to whether or not Aquinas is a Catholic college. Even a friend of mine, a Protestant who has many Catholic friends, sees AQ slipping further and further away from any vestiges of Catholicism.

So a thought just occurred to me. I am not a prophet and I would be scared pee-less if God made me one (unless I got to be one of the cool ones, like Elijah, Elisha, or Ezekiel,) but I was thinking about the rumors flying around about a Universal Indult{sp?} from the Holy Father. I think Christmas or any of the other Holy Days in this season would be prime time for such a document to be made public. Were the Holy Father to go so far as to totally toss out the Novus Ordo, I think that might be enough for AQ to officially break away from the Church. It would be almost impossible to celebrate a Tridentine Rite Mass in our current chapel. (To give an idea of the building, it was originally a stable for horses, and then it was a gymnasium.)

I just wish Bishop Hurley had spine enough to smack the administration here around. The Knights here are planning on appealing to him regarding the school refusing the recognize the Knights of Columbus (while recognizing and funding The Alliance....yeah, the campus is that messed up...) See, the Knights are a horrible organization by AQ standards because they don't admit women or non-Catholics. I'm good friends with the Grand Knight here, though, and one of my friends and I were thinking if we started a Ladies Axillary here (more commonly known as Catholic Daughters of the Americas. An older name is the Daughters of Isabella.) We're hoping that having that group in conjunction with the Knights might appease Senate and co. I was talking with the GK the other night and we were venting on the irony that blatantly anti-Catholic groups can exist on campus but one of the largest Catholic fraternal organizations out there can't. They can't even put the school name in their name, but a student stands for hours at a protest holding a sign that says "Aquinas Students for Choice" and that's OK. This college has been on an overall downward spiral the whole time I've been here, and I think the downward slope has gotten steeper this school year.

Where's my appetite lately? I haven't eaten jack and I'm not hungry at all. No wonder I look like I'm losing weight...(of course, anything positive said about my appearance only applies here; at home, you'd think I'm the Creature from the Black Lagoon for the comments made. Good thing I stopped caring a long time ago about THAT.)

I'm just glad the Theology department here is still orthodox. Still, though, I think they realize they're fighting an uphill battle.

Didn't post this on Live Journal because a) I think I've said my piece there. and b) I have hyper-sensitive friends who go ape if you criticize the Catholicism of Aquinas in the least little way. Overall, I'd say IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A CATHOLIC COLLEGE THAT IS ACTUALLY CATHOLIC, AQUINAS COLLEGE IS NOT FOR YOU!!! (Wish I knew a way to get Google to pick that up in a search on the school...)

Anyway...I should be studying 日本語. It's my first exam of finals week. Blah....and this is the first school year where I have no Theology classes! Sadness!!!

God bless you and Mary keep you! ^_^

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


ColorQuiz.comjesusfreak84 took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!

"Feels the situation is hopeless. Strongly resists ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Finnishing with some Advent links:



Tuesday, December 05, 2006

If {religon} = Catholic//then READ

Wow that was the worst fake-code I've ever written! XD XD XD


Hahahaha....we can't even get Wege to not serve meat on Fridays of Lent!

Monday, November 20, 2006


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoeQu6BYs4w in case the embedding code doesn't work.

Sunday, November 19, 2006




Monday, November 06, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oh noes!

Straight rip from LJ, but details removed since this blog is publically viewable.

Just got this IM from Dad:

[23:13:18]*him*: got back from beginner band signup tonight. its on tues & thurs nights now.. only signed up 30 kids. things are not looking good for our beloved band program.

I cleaned up his typos. =-P

Why is this horrid? The band used to be the biggest bragging feature my middle school had. We competed in high-level competitions, and if we didn't win we sure didn't give it away. We went to Super-State when I was in 7th grade. We played high school level music and played it with a vengance and then some. Beginning band signups were a HUGE deal that ate up your Saturday because half of the kids in the school district, 4 elementry schools, were there. Maybe half of those dropped by the time high school rolled around, but dangit the interest was there, and band was considered a legitimate activity by all, as worthy of time, resources, etc. as any sport or academic subject. Then the band's director for 35 years retired. The new guy isn't the worst (though probablly the frutiest director I've met...) but he's still no prize, but according to Dad, it's the new middle school principal who's REALLY driving the program into the ground. This is the same lady (the principal) who ran the "gifted" program in my grade school when I was a kid, and I swear I think they put her there because she didn't have the skills to deal with "lesser" students, ie the non-genius ones. I did some things in ORE, but because of my sister (who's 4 grades behind me,) and I working the way we do, (more or less alone, keep to ourselves, and we tended to do things to how we thought we'd get the most out of it, less focused on the grade,) she really excluded us both from ORE activities when we were kids. Basically, she's one of those educators who does things her way, for her sake more than the students. She doesn't care what the band's done for so many students, the skills it gave us, and..just....grrr!!!! Middle school band was probably one of the best experiences of my young life and to see it in that state REALLY upsets me. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think of one of the most sacred (outside of things actually religious) things from your childhood, and maybe you'll get an idea of what I'm going off about here. ~_~ Maybe for you it was karate, choir, a sport, whatever.

*Deep breath*

Guten Nacht / Oyasumenasai (methinks I spelled that right; my Japanese book prints some hiragana characters a bit odd and also really flipping small.)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Alessandro Ali De Menech

Alessandro Ali De Menech

This child's mother is literally using this blog as a babybook, and the little tyke is SO ADORABLE!!!! ^_^ KAWAII!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Link dump



http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7509 Fine by me; I won't miss it.



That'll do for now....

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Yoinked from my LJ

It seems to me, sometimes, that in both Catholic and Protestant circles, but seemingly espeically so in the former, we've jumped so much on the mercy of God that we've totally lost site of another crucial attribute of the Most High: He is also a just God. We've so emphisized His mercy so as to totally ignore or negate his justice.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006



Sunday, June 25, 2006


Anything bad is edited out.

Did not know porta-johns in Japan looked like that...

(Please forgive the Chinese subtitles. =-p)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The System is Down

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Failure to think of a witty subject line

Clicking the subject of this link will take you to the site with music that I had in my head at the time.

I feel like trash. I don't want to live, but I don't want to die, because in my current state I'm going to hell in a handbasket. (Not a swear here because I'm referring to the actual place.)

Keyboard is flaking out. Dad said he'd get some compressed air from work. I should know better by age 21 than to rely on that.

Filled out some job applications today. I BEG they don't hire me; I only filled out the applications to shut Dad up. I'm content being broke and not having the stress. Home is stressful enough; last thing I want is to go to work at a stressful job I hate. I applied to places that I'd rather shoot myself than work at, but if I don't apply EVERYWHERE, including places that AREN'T HIRING, Dad will call me a lazy slug and say the only reason I'm unemployed is because I'm JUST NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH! That's his statement on EVERYTHING wrong with me. But if it's him, then there's a million excuses for him. He and Mother are the lone people in the universe allowed to have excuses. Everyone else is just foolish, lazy, and weak.

I hate living here. Just give me an apartment with unlimited food and at least DSL internet. Leave me alone there and I'll be perfectly happy all by myself.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Saturday, February 04, 2006

TWiT: Clean

TWiT: Clean

I like how Leo LaPorte puts such an emphasis on keeping his podcasts "family friendly" (probably because he has kids of his own, and at least one of them a teenager.) TWiT has almost no cussing as is, but here he still decides to go the extra step to remove the little that there is. I dunno...I just like that. =-)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Encyclical Letter "Deus Caritas Est"

Encyclical Letter "Deus Caritas Est"

If you haven't read this yet, DO IT!!!! ^_^

---JesusFreak84 (^_^)v

Americans on Call

Americans on Call

Sounds like a great idea. Now to watch and see if it works. I hope it does.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006