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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Cut and paste from my last LJ entry

Club Night rocked. [info]biogeek500 and I played DDR for half an hour, and I got two firsts and a second! (Yeah, yeah, [info]frankencow, you could still kick my butt. =-P)

I am offically happy with the Wege workers, because at dinner today they put on CNN and put a sign on the TV to not change the channel. ^_^ Watching the news show on EWTN right now. I'll go to bed when it's over. I have work tomarrow, though I don't have a super-amount of homework to do. Methinks I'll bring some manga to read.

Keep praying for the Holy Father. The Vatican seems to believe the Holy Father can go any moment now. Dad sent me an e-mail about it, just some thoughts, and I replied.

That reminds me. I think there's a bug in the voicemail system, because my parents were mad at me for not calling them back, and I didn't get what they were talking about, and just this afternoon, messages they left last night arrived in my box, so I don't know what's wrong there. Just what I need.

Also, Asuka Jr. has a small hole in his tail-fin, and I fear it may be the beginning of fin rot. Fin rot was the beginning of the end for the first Asuka, because he got 2 fungi right after he got that. Sadness. ;_;

OK, show's over, I'm off to sleep.

Guten Nacht!

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