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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

GRRR-Rant Time

OK, just got an e-mail from my field supervisor. Apparently, the teachers at St. Stephen's will tell her when I'm messing up, but not me. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?! So yeah, I'm getting reamed out both today at my placement while she and I were in the library, and again just now in e-mail, for not psychically knowing where I'm messing up. EXCUSE ME! I AM STILL NOT A MIND READER! GRRR!!!!

Unless significance improvements are made in the areas we discussed, and those concerns voiced by the staff, teaching in a K-12 situation might not be appropriate for you, nor an area where you can be effective. As I told you today, I am sure that you are a very bright woman, but the area of teaching young people might not be your niche. Each one of us has been given different talents--the important thing is to pursue a profession where we can best use them.

Easy for someone who's retired to just tell me to find another line of work, after I've already spent so much of my college career on this one! HELLO! JOB MARKET! I support President Bush and all that, but he's not a magician, and the economy is still recovering, much slower than anyone would like. Translation? My options are limited with a BA in Theology! I can't even go into Religious Education without a teaching certificate! (Yes, I have checked, believe me.) If I get pulled from this placement, or if she does to me what she did to Rosanne, (AFTER Rosanne had finnished her 40 hours, told her she needed to re-do them all,) I don't GET a third chance! WHY does the SoE have the most anal people in the school working for it? (Well, maybe the Women's Study Center comes close, but you know what I mean...)

I was actually in a REALLY FREAKING GOOD MOOD TODAY, UNTIL this words-I-cannot-use decided to mess me up! DANGIT! I AM TRYING! SORRY I wasn't walking out of my mother's womb with a grade book and Teacher's Edition in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other! FLIPPING DANGIT!

Ugh...I need to get back to Christology. >_<

Guten Nacht!

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