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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Bored...time for a Blog update!

I'm bored. In Slim's room right now, putzing around. I have to do my history journal for tomarrow, which means I'll actually have to put my lappy in my room, so I can print it. Eh, I'm low on ink anyway, so methinks I'll e-mail it to Dr. Gunnoe. If I play my cards right, I could graduate with both of my BAs next May. If my parents will still let me stay 5 years, I might crank out a BS in Computer Information Systems. If I can't get a job then, I'll be rather confused and surprised. Here's hoping...

Ironic: Slim is updating her LJ as I type. I'll probably post this entry into LJ when I get back to Knape.

Hrrmmm...now that I think about it, I'll have to move my lappy out of the lounge anyway because of Bible Study tonight. Paul's leading it. He said something about Christology, so of course nothing good can come of this. =-P

Kicking some major hiney in Anarchy Online---level 5 already! ^_^ I am such a dork. Played Star Wars Battlefronts for the first time in over a week. I'm rather rusty. =-\ Oh well. I'll get back in the swing eventually.

My (tenative) Fall 2005 schedule:
(Drum roll, please =-P )
Japanese 101
East Asia I
Rennaisance {sp?} and Reformation
World War II
Christian View of the Human Person
Eucharist: Past, Present, and Future

No band or choir, though, because of East Asia I and Japanese, respectivly. Sadness. =-(

BRB. Nature Call.

OK, made an appoitment with the clinic. BIG surprise. Will explain later, if the time is ever right. Cross your fingers and lots of prayers, PLEASE! =-0

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