About Me

- JesusFreak84
- 23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Monday, March 28, 2005
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Well, that went as badly as I feared
Droped the School of Ed. bomb on my parents today. Went as badly as I feared it would. Dad, as usual, saw an uncontrollable situation and of course wanted me to grasp at any hint of a straw, so he can, through influencing me, regain control of the situation. Both refuse to pay for any more college until and unless I can show excatly when and how the investment will pay off. Grad school is absolutly not an option, and they believe there's nothing out there except teaching for a BA in History and Theology. Even my plan to squeeze in a CIS program didn't change their opinion any, since Dad doesn't think those jobs pay enough. So yeah...barring a miracle, (ie, I can magically pay my own tuition, room, and board,) this could very well be my last semester at Aquinas College. I'm going to register for classes anyway, but if you don't see me back, don't be surprised. It's a lot of money, and my parents refuse to pay it for anything else. This is not looking good. I told my parents that I had e-mailed Dr. Marko to see if I could do anything with a BA in Theology, and Dad made like I was a big fool. Just can't win, I swear...
So yeah, that's my Holy Saturday Horror Story.
Bis Spater!
So yeah, that's my Holy Saturday Horror Story.
Bis Spater!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Bored...time for a Blog update!
I'm bored. In Slim's room right now, putzing around. I have to do my history journal for tomarrow, which means I'll actually have to put my lappy in my room, so I can print it. Eh, I'm low on ink anyway, so methinks I'll e-mail it to Dr. Gunnoe. If I play my cards right, I could graduate with both of my BAs next May. If my parents will still let me stay 5 years, I might crank out a BS in Computer Information Systems. If I can't get a job then, I'll be rather confused and surprised. Here's hoping...
Ironic: Slim is updating her LJ as I type. I'll probably post this entry into LJ when I get back to Knape.
Hrrmmm...now that I think about it, I'll have to move my lappy out of the lounge anyway because of Bible Study tonight. Paul's leading it. He said something about Christology, so of course nothing good can come of this. =-P
Kicking some major hiney in Anarchy Online---level 5 already! ^_^ I am such a dork. Played Star Wars Battlefronts for the first time in over a week. I'm rather rusty. =-\ Oh well. I'll get back in the swing eventually.
My (tenative) Fall 2005 schedule:
(Drum roll, please =-P )
Japanese 101
East Asia I
Rennaisance {sp?} and Reformation
World War II
Christian View of the Human Person
Eucharist: Past, Present, and Future
No band or choir, though, because of East Asia I and Japanese, respectivly. Sadness. =-(
BRB. Nature Call.
OK, made an appoitment with the clinic. BIG surprise. Will explain later, if the time is ever right. Cross your fingers and lots of prayers, PLEASE! =-0
Ironic: Slim is updating her LJ as I type. I'll probably post this entry into LJ when I get back to Knape.
Hrrmmm...now that I think about it, I'll have to move my lappy out of the lounge anyway because of Bible Study tonight. Paul's leading it. He said something about Christology, so of course nothing good can come of this. =-P
Kicking some major hiney in Anarchy Online---level 5 already! ^_^ I am such a dork. Played Star Wars Battlefronts for the first time in over a week. I'm rather rusty. =-\ Oh well. I'll get back in the swing eventually.
My (tenative) Fall 2005 schedule:
(Drum roll, please =-P )
Japanese 101
East Asia I
Rennaisance {sp?} and Reformation
World War II
Christian View of the Human Person
Eucharist: Past, Present, and Future
No band or choir, though, because of East Asia I and Japanese, respectivly. Sadness. =-(
BRB. Nature Call.
OK, made an appoitment with the clinic. BIG surprise. Will explain later, if the time is ever right. Cross your fingers and lots of prayers, PLEASE! =-0
Friday, March 18, 2005
Well, I got the boot from ANOTHER placement, and I didn't even get a freaking chance to defend/explain myself to the St. Stephen's people. GRRR!!! Turns out the more real reason Mrs. Reynolds came in to see me today was to tell me that I'm through. She's now with Dr. Marko in harping me about grad school, but what neither of them seem to understand is that this is FINANCIALLY NOT AN OPTION!!!! I've looked at both orthodox and unorthodox Catholic grad schools, and NONE of the orthodox ones have ANY financial aid, or if there is any, it's so limited as to be useless. Gah...never mind all the student loans even just my undergraduate degree is going to cause me. >_< I'm so ticked right now I could just scream!!!! Or maybe cry. I don't know. This TOTALLY screws up ALL my plans, and now there is NOTHING for me to do after college. C'mon, who in their right mind wants to hire some absent-minded IDIOT with just her BAs in History and Theology. Besides teaching, there's NOTHING for these degrees without grad school, which isn't an option, so I have NOTHING I can do after college, and 6 months after I graduate, massive student loans will start comming due and I will have NOTHING to pay them with!
BAH! Later!
BAH! Later!
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
This is why I have a fish...=-P
silver_porpoise: This FROG! Poor Nicole. I am greatly amused, though. =-P This is why I have a fish. The extra kick is that, technically, we can only have pets at school that can survive underwater for 24 hours, (ie, in a tank and not going to hop into the hall ^_~) and for their first stages of life, frogs fit that.
In totally unrelated news, I went to my EN201 placement this morning, at St. Stephen's. My field supervisor wasn't there, so of course I had a good day. The students were working silently alot, but I did have a really good conversation with the English teacher. Of the junior high teachers, she's been there the longest, so she asked me a lot of good questions that they really don't make us think about in the seminar portion of EN201. She wants me to do the Science Olympiad this Saturday, but that's the day of KT's bridal shower, and I see so little of KT these days that I don't want to miss it.
OK, I'm distracted. This blog will have to wait until later.
In totally unrelated news, I went to my EN201 placement this morning, at St. Stephen's. My field supervisor wasn't there, so of course I had a good day. The students were working silently alot, but I did have a really good conversation with the English teacher. Of the junior high teachers, she's been there the longest, so she asked me a lot of good questions that they really don't make us think about in the seminar portion of EN201. She wants me to do the Science Olympiad this Saturday, but that's the day of KT's bridal shower, and I see so little of KT these days that I don't want to miss it.
OK, I'm distracted. This blog will have to wait until later.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Well, I got the boot from ANOTHER placement, and I didn't even get a freaking chance to defend/explain myself to the St. Stephen's people. GRRR!!! Turns out the more real reason Mrs. Reynolds came in to see me today was to tell me that I'm through. She's now with Dr. Marko in harping me about grad school, but what neither of them seem to understand is that this is FINANCIALLY NOT AN OPTION!!!! I've looked at both orthodox and unorthodox Catholic grad schools, and NONE of the orthodox ones have ANY financial aid, or if there is any, it's so limited as to be useless. Gah...never mind all the student loans even just my undergraduate degree is going to cause me. >_< I'm so ticked right now I could just scream!!!! Or maybe cry. I don't know. This TOTALLY screws up ALL my plans, and now there is NOTHING for me to do after college. C'mon, who in their right mind wants to hire some absent-minded IDIOT with just her BAs in History and Theology. Besides teaching, there's NOTHING for these degrees without grad school, which isn't an option, so I have NOTHING I can do after college, and 6 months after I graduate, massive student loans will start comming due and I will have NOTHING to pay them with!
BAH! Later!
BAH! Later!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Replaced first fish, which only lived a few days. Nicole rocks! ^_^ She's been a massive help with the pet thing.
Running a blog for the AQ GOP now: http://aqgop.blogspot.com It's still in the alpha stage (not even to beta yet) so it'll improve as I go.
Listening to one of the most beautiful songs ever, "Fake Wings," from .hack//SIGN. I LOVE it:
Shine, bright morning light
Now in the air the spring is comming
Sweet blowing wind
Singing down the hills and valleys
Keep your eyes on me
Now we're on the edge of hell
Dear my love
Sweet morning light
Wait for me, you've gone much farther
Too far
Guten Nacht!
Running a blog for the AQ GOP now: http://aqgop.blogspot.com It's still in the alpha stage (not even to beta yet) so it'll improve as I go.
Listening to one of the most beautiful songs ever, "Fake Wings," from .hack//SIGN. I LOVE it:
Shine, bright morning light
Now in the air the spring is comming
Sweet blowing wind
Singing down the hills and valleys
Keep your eyes on me
Now we're on the edge of hell
Dear my love
Sweet morning light
Wait for me, you've gone much farther
Too far
Guten Nacht!
Friday, March 11, 2005
I gots a fishie!!! It's a male betta, and I've named him Auska {sp?} after the main male character in my favorite anime, Kaitou Saint Tail. I ran an image search and found a pic of his kind of betta:

Soooo awesome! I'll be bringing him back to Knape Sunday, when I come back with Martha. Yay! ^_^
Bis Spater!
Soooo awesome! I'll be bringing him back to Knape Sunday, when I come back with Martha. Yay! ^_^
Bis Spater!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Monday, March 07, 2005
Because an elephant never forgets!
Because an elephant never forgets!
My latest pet project for the AQ GOP. Hoping it works better than the website did.
My latest pet project for the AQ GOP. Hoping it works better than the website did.
OK, apparently Mr. Hamilton failed to notify me that the normal teachers won't be in when I was going to go in, so I would be observing subs, so my feild supervisor wants me to just not come in. As happy as I am to not have to see her, these are hours I won't be getting that I NEED! Ugh. So I'm here until Sunday. Peachy. Great. Oh, and of course Mrs. Fellinger couldn't pass on a chance to be a *(&##!!!! to me, gah! I e-mailed Prof. Clatterbuck, as per Elisabeth and Kelsy's recomendation, so I hope that works out.
Bis Spater!
Bis Spater!
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Last time I took this I was 70% good! Scroll down and see!
You're Sesshoumaru, 70% Evil! You pretend to be
incredibly evil, but you're not as bad as you
try to be. You have a soft spot if people can
reach it... plus you're dead sexy!
How Evil or Good Are You in InuYasha Standards?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
GRRR-Rant Time
OK, just got an e-mail from my field supervisor. Apparently, the teachers at St. Stephen's will tell her when I'm messing up, but not me. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?! So yeah, I'm getting reamed out both today at my placement while she and I were in the library, and again just now in e-mail, for not psychically knowing where I'm messing up. EXCUSE ME! I AM STILL NOT A MIND READER! GRRR!!!!
Easy for someone who's retired to just tell me to find another line of work, after I've already spent so much of my college career on this one! HELLO! JOB MARKET! I support President Bush and all that, but he's not a magician, and the economy is still recovering, much slower than anyone would like. Translation? My options are limited with a BA in Theology! I can't even go into Religious Education without a teaching certificate! (Yes, I have checked, believe me.) If I get pulled from this placement, or if she does to me what she did to Rosanne, (AFTER Rosanne had finnished her 40 hours, told her she needed to re-do them all,) I don't GET a third chance! WHY does the SoE have the most anal people in the school working for it? (Well, maybe the Women's Study Center comes close, but you know what I mean...)
I was actually in a REALLY FREAKING GOOD MOOD TODAY, UNTIL this words-I-cannot-use decided to mess me up! DANGIT! I AM TRYING! SORRY I wasn't walking out of my mother's womb with a grade book and Teacher's Edition in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other! FLIPPING DANGIT!
Ugh...I need to get back to Christology. >_<
Guten Nacht!
Unless significance improvements are made in the areas we discussed, and those concerns voiced by the staff, teaching in a K-12 situation might not be appropriate for you, nor an area where you can be effective. As I told you today, I am sure that you are a very bright woman, but the area of teaching young people might not be your niche. Each one of us has been given different talents--the important thing is to pursue a profession where we can best use them.
Easy for someone who's retired to just tell me to find another line of work, after I've already spent so much of my college career on this one! HELLO! JOB MARKET! I support President Bush and all that, but he's not a magician, and the economy is still recovering, much slower than anyone would like. Translation? My options are limited with a BA in Theology! I can't even go into Religious Education without a teaching certificate! (Yes, I have checked, believe me.) If I get pulled from this placement, or if she does to me what she did to Rosanne, (AFTER Rosanne had finnished her 40 hours, told her she needed to re-do them all,) I don't GET a third chance! WHY does the SoE have the most anal people in the school working for it? (Well, maybe the Women's Study Center comes close, but you know what I mean...)
I was actually in a REALLY FREAKING GOOD MOOD TODAY, UNTIL this words-I-cannot-use decided to mess me up! DANGIT! I AM TRYING! SORRY I wasn't walking out of my mother's womb with a grade book and Teacher's Edition in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other! FLIPPING DANGIT!
Ugh...I need to get back to Christology. >_<
Guten Nacht!
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Rock out! Lowest scores yet!
Your Total Score is 14
(Range 0-27)
None 0-5
Mild 6-10
Moderate 11-15
Severe 16-20
Very Severe 21+
NOTE: The above cutoff points are based largely on clinical judgement rather than on empirical data.
© 2000, A. John Rush, M.D., Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (Self Report) (QUIDS-SR)
Your score was 25 out of a possible 45.
These answers indicate that you have moderate depresion. You may find it helpful to talk about this with someone.You may also find it helpful to repeat this test from time to time; tracking your score and your responses may help you recognize when depression is beginning to build, or perhaps to understand what events might trigger your depression.
Being done with Holoquad is probably a major factor. All I really have to worry about now is Christology for Friday. =-S Get to start that paper tomarrow, after I get back from St. Stephens. Lovely...
Guten Nacht!
Your Total Score is 14
(Range 0-27)
None 0-5
Mild 6-10
Moderate 11-15
Severe 16-20
Very Severe 21+
NOTE: The above cutoff points are based largely on clinical judgement rather than on empirical data.
© 2000, A. John Rush, M.D., Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (Self Report) (QUIDS-SR)
Your score was 25 out of a possible 45.
These answers indicate that you have moderate depresion. You may find it helpful to talk about this with someone.You may also find it helpful to repeat this test from time to time; tracking your score and your responses may help you recognize when depression is beginning to build, or perhaps to understand what events might trigger your depression.
Being done with Holoquad is probably a major factor. All I really have to worry about now is Christology for Friday. =-S Get to start that paper tomarrow, after I get back from St. Stephens. Lovely...
Guten Nacht!
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