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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

An update...

Soooo bored....I should be cleaning my room, but it's so cramped in there right now because of everything being everywhere. Grrr...I have to work Saturday. I don't want to. At least it's a country concert, so things should be reletivly tame. I can't believe I'll be 21 in a week...freaky. That also means one week to campout! ^_^ Wheee!!! And I get to see my Sara friend! One of our friends was joking a week or so ago that all of us girls who are on anti-depressants should form the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pills." Let's see. I've tried Lexapro, Zoloft, Effexor XR, and am settling on a non-time-release version of Effexor. I'm just glad I found something that worked reletivly quickly. Sara's been on the pill merry-go-round for years now. =-(

Sounds like Michelle's up. Oh dear...

Should...clean...room.......don't...want...to...Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends rotting my brains...will have no brain cells left for school...

I want a cookie. Or a whole box of them--Girl Scout cookies, thin mints or carmel delights....MMMMMMM...

Alright, I really do need to do something constructive today. Time to put CDs on my clock-radio and finnish gutting my room. Some of the stuff I cleaned out yesterday hasn't moved since I moved into the room in the summer between 5th and 6th grade. Packrat/slob extrordinare {sp?}!

Bis Spater / Ja ne!

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