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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005

I love how it only goes one way...

Will transfer this post to Live Journal later, but since I don't have as many readers here, I don't mind letting my mind just fall out on here. Anyway.

So my 21st birthday is this Friday, but I'm going to be in Michigan then with the Veritas campout. My parents' 25th anniversary is this Tuesday, but that's during the week, and have fun getting ahold of a priest then. =-P They wanted to run into and talk to the priest who married them, baptized me, and confirmed my dad. He's at St. Bede's, on the south side of Chicago. Their former pastor is in jail. Poor parish. However, I was really psyched to see the old style of confessionals and a COMMUNION RAIL!!!! ^_^ However, according to my parents, now that Fr. Bill is their pastor, within 5 years all of that will probably be gone and the parish will be thourghly "modernized." And they talked like this was a good thing!!! This poor parish has suffered enough lately, and now this priest is going to take away their sense of their Catholic heretage.

On another peg, Fr. Bill considers Mother Angelica, from EWTN, to be the worst thing that has happened to the Catholic Church. This after giving a whole long lecture on how we should accept everyone's opinions, even if we don't agree with them. And my family thinks I'm a hypocrite. This is also the same priest who told my parents that it was OK to use contraception. Know how that makes me feel, as the oldest child? Like an egg that just happened to get lucky. Ick. No child should grow up feeling like that. This priest also thinks everyone, Catholic and not, should recieve communion, not discerning the Body and Blood of Christ at all. THIS IS NOT A COOKIE AND SODA!!! IT'S THE BODY, BLOOD, SOUL, AND DIVINITY OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD!!! Fr. Bill basically thinks I'm an idiot, but seems to think I'll "grow out of it" or some junk like that. My parents were impressed, though, that I bit my tougne. WANTED to go after his jungular vein. Priests like him do grave harm to the Body of Christ. My family was all like, "He can get anyone to come back to the Church." Hardly. He just tells them they're still in the Church, whether they believe it or not. And I thought St. Julie's taught bad theology.

Since it's almost 2AM CDT, I'm going to end this for now. My only parting comment is that the cantor couldn't sing for a darn. Ah well. And the altar server oufits were ugly. Ah well again. Can we just all go back to the Tridentine Mass or something, where people didn't horse around anywhere NEAR as much. Oye.

Guten Nacht!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

An update...

Soooo bored....I should be cleaning my room, but it's so cramped in there right now because of everything being everywhere. Grrr...I have to work Saturday. I don't want to. At least it's a country concert, so things should be reletivly tame. I can't believe I'll be 21 in a week...freaky. That also means one week to campout! ^_^ Wheee!!! And I get to see my Sara friend! One of our friends was joking a week or so ago that all of us girls who are on anti-depressants should form the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pills." Let's see. I've tried Lexapro, Zoloft, Effexor XR, and am settling on a non-time-release version of Effexor. I'm just glad I found something that worked reletivly quickly. Sara's been on the pill merry-go-round for years now. =-(

Sounds like Michelle's up. Oh dear...

Should...clean...room.......don't...want...to...Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends rotting my brains...will have no brain cells left for school...

I want a cookie. Or a whole box of them--Girl Scout cookies, thin mints or carmel delights....MMMMMMM...

Alright, I really do need to do something constructive today. Time to put CDs on my clock-radio and finnish gutting my room. Some of the stuff I cleaned out yesterday hasn't moved since I moved into the room in the summer between 5th and 6th grade. Packrat/slob extrordinare {sp?}!

Bis Spater / Ja ne!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dangit all...

What do I have to do to get rid of these stupid democrat adds? Grrr...


OK, back to rotting my brains on television...