Got steamed as all Hades today when I came back from Becca's dorm to find that one of Dominic's friends, Lisa, had brought alcohol over to the house (mind you, only two of the people who live here [RA not included] are old enough, and neither of them were home at the time,) and Meg and Claire were drunk, Claire off her rear end, Meg only enough that you could tell, and I think event that was just because of a medication she's on right now. Claire, a) hasn't slept in somewhere from 3-5 days, has been drinking coffee almost literally non stop, and has been popping Dexatrin (Dexatrim? Couldn't quite understand her speech,) like I'm popping chips as I write this entry. End result? She was all over. I wanted to cry, because I didn't know what to do. Sure, I had imagined myself doing the right thing, being all noble and all that when confronted with this situation, but when it actually happened...
AQ has a stern "guilt by association" alcohol policy, so I made sure to hightail it right to my room, since those girls were in the kitchen, which is a public area of the house. I should have told the RA, done SOMETHING, but I paniced, because Catholic Studies Club is in the process of reapplying to get this house again for next year, and this would have killed us in the water. =-( I feel like such a wimp, not even standing for my convictions. I didn't drink, but I believe breaking the rules and the law is morally wrong. >Sigh<
AQ seems to be going into Hades in a handbasket. I'll explain that more later. Since some OneRockers use Blogger, I'm going to try and update this more often. How do I do the thing where I link to other things? One reason I stopped using Blogger for so long was because of how hard it is to customize anything, or at least to figure out how to. Live Journal is fairly idiot proof, even for an idiot like me. ^_~
That's all for now. I need sleep. I always need sleep.
Guten Nacht!
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