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23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.

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Friday, October 22, 2004

Some update or something....

The link is to an entry in my LJ I think is worth reading.

Well, filled out my absentee ballot today. Happy me. Since I stayed up over Fall break, this means my ballot will get out in the mail a whole 2 postal days earlier than otherwise. I undervoted big time; there were a lot of offices where I didn't know what the person even did or I didn't like any of the candidates or there was only one person running but I didn't like them. Yes, readers, I am a Republican, and so yes, I did vote for President George W. Bush. As an Illinois voter, I also voted for Alan Keyes for Senate. Does he have a snowball's chance in Hades? Not even that good, but at least I'm clear with my conscience. Alan Keyes is a candidate I would feel comfortable voting for for almost any office. (Yes, I know he ran for President a while back; I wasn't old enough to vote yet. This is the first Presidential election year I've been of age.)

Let's see...I still need a life. I'm almost suprised at myself for how well I'm getting by on my own over this break. I guess I've been reverting back to my old habits when I lived in Hruby Hall. The only difference is that now I have a full kitchen, (well, except for a dishwasher,) so the cusine is a little better.

Yeah, genius that I am, I found the Kleenex and Sudafed I thought I'd lost the other day. They were in the kitchen on that green circle seat thingy the whole time. Me in a word = dense (or pyro or schitzo, depending on who you ask.)

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