I found this really interesting to read, even though it doesn't involve my diocese or anything. A parish has been supressed by its Bishop because the parish board refused to acknowledge ecclesial {sp?} authority in its bylaws or in practice.
About Me

- JesusFreak84
- 23, Theology major, female. Prone to random bouts of randomness. This is my main 100% public blog.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: It's Official: St Stanislaus is in Schism. Pray for them!
Posted by the wonderful and awesome (and humble)
12/22/2005 08:41:00 PM
No comments:

Saturday, December 17, 2005
Posted by the wonderful and awesome (and humble)
12/17/2005 07:47:00 AM
No comments:

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Link Dump from my most recent Live Journal entry
Crud like this is why I hate paying Resident Hall activity fees and I hate my tuition going to Student Senate without asking my input. While AQ hasn't pulled anything this bad *yet* (that I know of,) the same thing goes on here all the time. My money goes towards things I have no desire to subsidize in any way.
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/122005g.asp and related: http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0002427.cfm
I have no complaints about Wal-Mart, myself. My neighboor across the street back home has worked there since I was small, and she's grateful to have a job period. Also, 90% of what you see in my dorm room or on my body comes from Wal-Mart, and I couldn't afford any of it otherwise, or to be more precise, my parent's couldn't, and since I'm jobless, they pay for those things. They didn't push anyone out of business when they moved into Orland Hills, as at that time that part of town wasn't even developed yet. It was literally grass-land in that area, according to my parents. There ARE none of these "Mom and Pop" shops people holler Wal-Mart puts out of business. Oh, there's a few on Oak Park Avenue, the "historical" part of my town, but otherwise everything's chains anyway, McDonalds, Burger King, K-Mart, Sam's Club, and some chains that the MI readers here probably wouldn't be familiar with (our own versions of Meijer.) LOTS of car dealerships, too. No one cares when one chain bumps out another, and there are some things, like Subway, McDonalds, and Doge dealers, where there are more than one I can go to in easy distance of my house. Translation: my family partronizes Wal-Mart and will continue to do so, and I'm not forgoing food and clothing myself just so I can tout around that I don't, and that's literally what it would come to if I were to tell Mom and Dad to not buy me anything from a Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart, FYI, also isn't the only place where before the item gets to the store, the place it's made before that doesn't treat its workers well. If that I patronize Wal-Mart voluntarily bugs you, you don't have to be freinds with me and you don't have to read my blog. Both of us have free will. My blog = my soapbox. [/rant]
Gee, let's think about this..renew the Patriot Act or get a call one day to find out that a plane flew into the buidling my dad works in? HARD CALL!!! Besides, if you're totally innocent and have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't have a problem, anyway.
This is an opinion/book review.
The first story in here just makes me SO DARN MAD!!!
Columbian Roe vs. Wade prevented.
This is another one of those articles that convinces me I'm NOT crazy. Seriously, even just looking at Mom's friends, (save Joan and her two friends from high school that she still has contact with,) they just let their kids run wild and then can't figure out why their kids are smoking pot, cutting class, etc. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE FREAKIN' PARENT IS A POT-HEAD!!! -_-
Parodies rock! =-P
There is some good news, however.
As Dr. Marshall is fond of saying, words do matter. This can explain why.
Hey, it's not just the Catholics against this.
So in other words Aquinas College will want him as a commencement speaker next year? -_-
If it weren't New York, I'd expect it to be California. From the article: "According to the New York Metro, the ratio of abortions to births in some parts of the city is one to one."
This is actually just a tech article. =-P
Asthma and Air Pollution. Read it because I have asthma. However, I was asthmatic before I was obese or anything, but given how almost all of my mom's side of the family smokes, the air pollution angle would explain it. I developed my allergies about a year after the asthma. Love how those two egg each other on. =-P
Crud like this is why I hate paying Resident Hall activity fees and I hate my tuition going to Student Senate without asking my input. While AQ hasn't pulled anything this bad *yet* (that I know of,) the same thing goes on here all the time. My money goes towards things I have no desire to subsidize in any way.
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/122005g.asp and related: http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0002427.cfm
I have no complaints about Wal-Mart, myself. My neighboor across the street back home has worked there since I was small, and she's grateful to have a job period. Also, 90% of what you see in my dorm room or on my body comes from Wal-Mart, and I couldn't afford any of it otherwise, or to be more precise, my parent's couldn't, and since I'm jobless, they pay for those things. They didn't push anyone out of business when they moved into Orland Hills, as at that time that part of town wasn't even developed yet. It was literally grass-land in that area, according to my parents. There ARE none of these "Mom and Pop" shops people holler Wal-Mart puts out of business. Oh, there's a few on Oak Park Avenue, the "historical" part of my town, but otherwise everything's chains anyway, McDonalds, Burger King, K-Mart, Sam's Club, and some chains that the MI readers here probably wouldn't be familiar with (our own versions of Meijer.) LOTS of car dealerships, too. No one cares when one chain bumps out another, and there are some things, like Subway, McDonalds, and Doge dealers, where there are more than one I can go to in easy distance of my house. Translation: my family partronizes Wal-Mart and will continue to do so, and I'm not forgoing food and clothing myself just so I can tout around that I don't, and that's literally what it would come to if I were to tell Mom and Dad to not buy me anything from a Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart, FYI, also isn't the only place where before the item gets to the store, the place it's made before that doesn't treat its workers well. If that I patronize Wal-Mart voluntarily bugs you, you don't have to be freinds with me and you don't have to read my blog. Both of us have free will. My blog = my soapbox. [/rant]
Gee, let's think about this..renew the Patriot Act or get a call one day to find out that a plane flew into the buidling my dad works in? HARD CALL!!! Besides, if you're totally innocent and have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't have a problem, anyway.
This is an opinion/book review.
The first story in here just makes me SO DARN MAD!!!
Columbian Roe vs. Wade prevented.
This is another one of those articles that convinces me I'm NOT crazy. Seriously, even just looking at Mom's friends, (save Joan and her two friends from high school that she still has contact with,) they just let their kids run wild and then can't figure out why their kids are smoking pot, cutting class, etc. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE FREAKIN' PARENT IS A POT-HEAD!!! -_-
Parodies rock! =-P
There is some good news, however.
As Dr. Marshall is fond of saying, words do matter. This can explain why.
Hey, it's not just the Catholics against this.
So in other words Aquinas College will want him as a commencement speaker next year? -_-
If it weren't New York, I'd expect it to be California. From the article: "According to the New York Metro, the ratio of abortions to births in some parts of the city is one to one."
This is actually just a tech article. =-P
Asthma and Air Pollution. Read it because I have asthma. However, I was asthmatic before I was obese or anything, but given how almost all of my mom's side of the family smokes, the air pollution angle would explain it. I developed my allergies about a year after the asthma. Love how those two egg each other on. =-P
Posted by the wonderful and awesome (and humble)
12/14/2005 07:08:00 AM
No comments:

Link Dump from my most recent Live Journal entry
Crud like this is why I hate paying Resident Hall activity fees and I hate my tuition going to Student Senate without asking my input. While AQ hasn't pulled anything this bad *yet* (that I know of,) the same thing goes on here all the time. My money goes towards things I have no desire to subsidize in any way.
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/122005g.asp and related: http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0002427.cfm
I have no complaints about Wal-Mart, myself. My neighboor across the street back home has worked there since I was small, and she's grateful to have a job period. Also, 90% of what you see in my dorm room or on my body comes from Wal-Mart, and I couldn't afford any of it otherwise, or to be more precise, my parent's couldn't, and since I'm jobless, they pay for those things. They didn't push anyone out of business when they moved into Orland Hills, as at that time that part of town wasn't even developed yet. It was literally grass-land in that area, according to my parents. There ARE none of these "Mom and Pop" shops people holler Wal-Mart puts out of business. Oh, there's a few on Oak Park Avenue, the "historical" part of my town, but otherwise everything's chains anyway, McDonalds, Burger King, K-Mart, Sam's Club, and some chains that the MI readers here probably wouldn't be familiar with (our own versions of Meijer.) LOTS of car dealerships, too. No one cares when one chain bumps out another, and there are some things, like Subway, McDonalds, and Doge dealers, where there are more than one I can go to in easy distance of my house. Translation: my family partronizes Wal-Mart and will continue to do so, and I'm not forgoing food and clothing myself just so I can tout around that I don't, and that's literally what it would come to if I were to tell Mom and Dad to not buy me anything from a Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart, FYI, also isn't the only place where before the item gets to the store, the place it's made before that doesn't treat its workers well. If that I patronize Wal-Mart voluntarily bugs you, you don't have to be freinds with me and you don't have to read my blog. Both of us have free will. My blog = my soapbox. [/rant]
Gee, let's think about this..renew the Patriot Act or get a call one day to find out that a plane flew into the buidling my dad works in? HARD CALL!!! Besides, if you're totally innocent and have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't have a problem, anyway.
This is an opinion/book review.
The first story in here just makes me SO DARN MAD!!!
Columbian Roe vs. Wade prevented.
This is another one of those articles that convinces me I'm NOT crazy. Seriously, even just looking at Mom's friends, (save Joan and her two friends from high school that she still has contact with,) they just let their kids run wild and then can't figure out why their kids are smoking pot, cutting class, etc. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE FREAKIN' PARENT IS A POT-HEAD!!! -_-
Parodies rock! =-P
There is some good news, however.
As Dr. Marshall is fond of saying, words do matter. This can explain why.
Hey, it's not just the Catholics against this.
So in other words Aquinas College will want him as a commencement speaker next year? -_-
If it weren't New York, I'd expect it to be California. From the article: "According to the New York Metro, the ratio of abortions to births in some parts of the city is one to one."
This is actually just a tech article. =-P
Asthma and Air Pollution. Read it because I have asthma. However, I was asthmatic before I was obese or anything, but given how almost all of my mom's side of the family smokes, the air pollution angle would explain it. I developed my allergies about a year after the asthma. Love how those two egg each other on. =-P
Crud like this is why I hate paying Resident Hall activity fees and I hate my tuition going to Student Senate without asking my input. While AQ hasn't pulled anything this bad *yet* (that I know of,) the same thing goes on here all the time. My money goes towards things I have no desire to subsidize in any way.
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/122005g.asp and related: http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0002427.cfm
I have no complaints about Wal-Mart, myself. My neighboor across the street back home has worked there since I was small, and she's grateful to have a job period. Also, 90% of what you see in my dorm room or on my body comes from Wal-Mart, and I couldn't afford any of it otherwise, or to be more precise, my parent's couldn't, and since I'm jobless, they pay for those things. They didn't push anyone out of business when they moved into Orland Hills, as at that time that part of town wasn't even developed yet. It was literally grass-land in that area, according to my parents. There ARE none of these "Mom and Pop" shops people holler Wal-Mart puts out of business. Oh, there's a few on Oak Park Avenue, the "historical" part of my town, but otherwise everything's chains anyway, McDonalds, Burger King, K-Mart, Sam's Club, and some chains that the MI readers here probably wouldn't be familiar with (our own versions of Meijer.) LOTS of car dealerships, too. No one cares when one chain bumps out another, and there are some things, like Subway, McDonalds, and Doge dealers, where there are more than one I can go to in easy distance of my house. Translation: my family partronizes Wal-Mart and will continue to do so, and I'm not forgoing food and clothing myself just so I can tout around that I don't, and that's literally what it would come to if I were to tell Mom and Dad to not buy me anything from a Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart, FYI, also isn't the only place where before the item gets to the store, the place it's made before that doesn't treat its workers well. If that I patronize Wal-Mart voluntarily bugs you, you don't have to be freinds with me and you don't have to read my blog. Both of us have free will. My blog = my soapbox. [/rant]
Gee, let's think about this..renew the Patriot Act or get a call one day to find out that a plane flew into the buidling my dad works in? HARD CALL!!! Besides, if you're totally innocent and have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't have a problem, anyway.
This is an opinion/book review.
The first story in here just makes me SO DARN MAD!!!
Columbian Roe vs. Wade prevented.
This is another one of those articles that convinces me I'm NOT crazy. Seriously, even just looking at Mom's friends, (save Joan and her two friends from high school that she still has contact with,) they just let their kids run wild and then can't figure out why their kids are smoking pot, cutting class, etc. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE FREAKIN' PARENT IS A POT-HEAD!!! -_-
Parodies rock! =-P
There is some good news, however.
As Dr. Marshall is fond of saying, words do matter. This can explain why.
Hey, it's not just the Catholics against this.
So in other words Aquinas College will want him as a commencement speaker next year? -_-
If it weren't New York, I'd expect it to be California. From the article: "According to the New York Metro, the ratio of abortions to births in some parts of the city is one to one."
This is actually just a tech article. =-P
Asthma and Air Pollution. Read it because I have asthma. However, I was asthmatic before I was obese or anything, but given how almost all of my mom's side of the family smokes, the air pollution angle would explain it. I developed my allergies about a year after the asthma. Love how those two egg each other on. =-P
Posted by the wonderful and awesome (and humble)
12/14/2005 07:06:00 AM
No comments:

Link Dump from my most recent Live Journal entry
Crud like this is why I hate paying Resident Hall activity fees and I hate my tuition going to Student Senate without asking my input. While AQ hasn't pulled anything this bad *yet* (that I know of,) the same thing goes on here all the time. My money goes towards things I have no desire to subsidize in any way.
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/122005g.asp and related: http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0002427.cfm
I have no complaints about Wal-Mart, myself. My neighboor across the street back home has worked there since I was small, and she's grateful to have a job period. Also, 90% of what you see in my dorm room or on my body comes from Wal-Mart, and I couldn't afford any of it otherwise, or to be more precise, my parent's couldn't, and since I'm jobless, they pay for those things. They didn't push anyone out of business when they moved into Orland Hills, as at that time that part of town wasn't even developed yet. It was literally grass-land in that area, according to my parents. There ARE none of these "Mom and Pop" shops people holler Wal-Mart puts out of business. Oh, there's a few on Oak Park Avenue, the "historical" part of my town, but otherwise everything's chains anyway, McDonalds, Burger King, K-Mart, Sam's Club, and some chains that the MI readers here probably wouldn't be familiar with (our own versions of Meijer.) LOTS of car dealerships, too. No one cares when one chain bumps out another, and there are some things, like Subway, McDonalds, and Doge dealers, where there are more than one I can go to in easy distance of my house. Translation: my family partronizes Wal-Mart and will continue to do so, and I'm not forgoing food and clothing myself just so I can tout around that I don't, and that's literally what it would come to if I were to tell Mom and Dad to not buy me anything from a Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart, FYI, also isn't the only place where before the item gets to the store, the place it's made before that doesn't treat its workers well. If that I patronize Wal-Mart voluntarily bugs you, you don't have to be freinds with me and you don't have to read my blog. Both of us have free will. My blog = my soapbox. [/rant]
Gee, let's think about this..renew the Patriot Act or get a call one day to find out that a plane flew into the buidling my dad works in? HARD CALL!!! Besides, if you're totally innocent and have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't have a problem, anyway.
This is an opinion/book review.
The first story in here just makes me SO DARN MAD!!!
Columbian Roe vs. Wade prevented.
This is another one of those articles that convinces me I'm NOT crazy. Seriously, even just looking at Mom's friends, (save Joan and her two friends from high school that she still has contact with,) they just let their kids run wild and then can't figure out why their kids are smoking pot, cutting class, etc. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE FREAKIN' PARENT IS A POT-HEAD!!! -_-
Parodies rock! =-P
There is some good news, however.
As Dr. Marshall is fond of saying, words do matter. This can explain why.
Hey, it's not just the Catholics against this.
So in other words Aquinas College will want him as a commencement speaker next year? -_-
If it weren't New York, I'd expect it to be California. From the article: "According to the New York Metro, the ratio of abortions to births in some parts of the city is one to one."
This is actually just a tech article. =-P
Asthma and Air Pollution. Read it because I have asthma. However, I was asthmatic before I was obese or anything, but given how almost all of my mom's side of the family smokes, the air pollution angle would explain it. I developed my allergies about a year after the asthma. Love how those two egg each other on. =-P
Crud like this is why I hate paying Resident Hall activity fees and I hate my tuition going to Student Senate without asking my input. While AQ hasn't pulled anything this bad *yet* (that I know of,) the same thing goes on here all the time. My money goes towards things I have no desire to subsidize in any way.
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/122005g.asp and related: http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0002427.cfm
I have no complaints about Wal-Mart, myself. My neighboor across the street back home has worked there since I was small, and she's grateful to have a job period. Also, 90% of what you see in my dorm room or on my body comes from Wal-Mart, and I couldn't afford any of it otherwise, or to be more precise, my parent's couldn't, and since I'm jobless, they pay for those things. They didn't push anyone out of business when they moved into Orland Hills, as at that time that part of town wasn't even developed yet. It was literally grass-land in that area, according to my parents. There ARE none of these "Mom and Pop" shops people holler Wal-Mart puts out of business. Oh, there's a few on Oak Park Avenue, the "historical" part of my town, but otherwise everything's chains anyway, McDonalds, Burger King, K-Mart, Sam's Club, and some chains that the MI readers here probably wouldn't be familiar with (our own versions of Meijer.) LOTS of car dealerships, too. No one cares when one chain bumps out another, and there are some things, like Subway, McDonalds, and Doge dealers, where there are more than one I can go to in easy distance of my house. Translation: my family partronizes Wal-Mart and will continue to do so, and I'm not forgoing food and clothing myself just so I can tout around that I don't, and that's literally what it would come to if I were to tell Mom and Dad to not buy me anything from a Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart, FYI, also isn't the only place where before the item gets to the store, the place it's made before that doesn't treat its workers well. If that I patronize Wal-Mart voluntarily bugs you, you don't have to be freinds with me and you don't have to read my blog. Both of us have free will. My blog = my soapbox. [/rant]
Gee, let's think about this..renew the Patriot Act or get a call one day to find out that a plane flew into the buidling my dad works in? HARD CALL!!! Besides, if you're totally innocent and have nothing to hide, then you shouldn't have a problem, anyway.
This is an opinion/book review.
The first story in here just makes me SO DARN MAD!!!
Columbian Roe vs. Wade prevented.
This is another one of those articles that convinces me I'm NOT crazy. Seriously, even just looking at Mom's friends, (save Joan and her two friends from high school that she still has contact with,) they just let their kids run wild and then can't figure out why their kids are smoking pot, cutting class, etc. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE FREAKIN' PARENT IS A POT-HEAD!!! -_-
Parodies rock! =-P
There is some good news, however.
As Dr. Marshall is fond of saying, words do matter. This can explain why.
Hey, it's not just the Catholics against this.
So in other words Aquinas College will want him as a commencement speaker next year? -_-
If it weren't New York, I'd expect it to be California. From the article: "According to the New York Metro, the ratio of abortions to births in some parts of the city is one to one."
This is actually just a tech article. =-P
Asthma and Air Pollution. Read it because I have asthma. However, I was asthmatic before I was obese or anything, but given how almost all of my mom's side of the family smokes, the air pollution angle would explain it. I developed my allergies about a year after the asthma. Love how those two egg each other on. =-P
Posted by the wonderful and awesome (and humble)
12/14/2005 07:06:00 AM
No comments:

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